Back to School – Fun Assessments in Math!

Back to School – Fun Assessments in Math!

  What can we do those first weeks of school to make sure our students are ready for more advanced concepts in math?  One of our greatest challenges since the pandemic is determining whether our students are ready for the next grade level.  Many students are...
What to Teach in Summer School for Pre-teens

What to Teach in Summer School for Pre-teens

Are you looking for ideas for your summer school students?  If you’re given some flexibility in what to teach, think about what will be engaging, fun, and and a review of the skills they need.  Many schools have added enrichment classes for any students...
End of the Year Math Projects

End of the Year Math Projects

Looking for a fun Math project now that testing is over?  I love this time of year when the pressure is off both teacher and students.  No more pressure to cover standards, give tests, remediate, and keep up with all the paperwork.  The school year is almost over and...


Have you ever had a class that was difficult to quiet?  Some teachers are very skilled at this, others struggle, and often it depends on the group of students you have.  There are many times during the day when it’s necessary to get a class to instantly quiet. ...
Pi Day Activities

Pi Day Activities

Looking for some fun activities for Pi Day (March 14th)?  Pi Day has become a regular annual celebration in Math classes across the country.  From creating colorful chains, to learning Pi Day facts, to eating delicious slices of apple and cherry pie, students get a...
Decimals:  Teaching with Number Chips

Decimals: Teaching with Number Chips

Are you looking for a fun method for teaching students to add, subtract, and multiply decimals?  Wish you had fun lessons with a holiday theme?  These are some of my students’ favorite lessons for practicing decimal operations.    Because it’s so important...
Super Bowl Themed Math Lessons

Super Bowl Themed Math Lessons

What better way to spice up a math lesson this time of year than Super Bowl-themed lessons?  This American Football championship is the highlight in many homes who host parties, and invite friends over to watch and cheer on their favorite teams.  It is the...
Valentine’s Day Ideas for Your Classroom

Valentine’s Day Ideas for Your Classroom

Looking for some fun Valentine’s Day Activities? For years teachers have prepared fun party activities, served cookies and cupcakes, and had students use glue, scissors, and construction paper to create their own Valentine mailboxes.    Students bought or made...