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Math Lessons and Games to Start the New Year
What are you planning on doing in your classroom the first day back from Winter Break? After all, the students have been home for 1-3 weeks. They're going to be a bit out of sorts, and won't remember what was taught before they left on vacation. They may be a bit...
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Digital Lessons are Here to Stay
Everyone knows teaching can be very challenging, and with all the new changes that unexpectedly came our way in 2020, many teachers needed help finding and creating digital content for online learning. We wanted to keep our students from falling behind, and keep the rigor and engagement with students at the levels we had achieved in the past. Many of us, lacking tech skills were overwhelmed by the expectations (not just from administrators and parents, but those we placed on ourselves!) Now that we are back in the classroom, digital lessons are here to stay. We try to keep a balance of hands-on and digital instruction so that students are engaged and increase their online skills.

My journey Back in 2020:
After 20-plus years of teaching, I was thrown in the deep end like many of you. My district math coaches scrambled to provide all grade levels with enough digital lessons to last from March to the end of the school year. But when summer finally came, I knew I was on my own! Teacherspayteachers.com became my go-to site for digital lessons, until…. I learned to make these lessons on my own. I signed up for courses on Google Classroom, and Google Slides and watched YouTube videos from tech savvy teachers who were already comfortable with digital learning.
Making my own digital lessons
Then, the unexpected happened. I started enjoying myself, immensely, and put months of my math curriculum into digital lessons. I accumulated so much content, I decided to open my own store on Teacherspayteachers.com. I’ve since added a second store on Ampeduplearning.com. As of this date, I have nearly 500 lessons in my stores and many more in my head, waiting to see the light of day. I learned to create high quality products that I have spent hours creating and perfecting. Because I had many years of technology phobia, and technology frustration, I know how it feels to be overwhelmed with all of this. I truly want to help.
Let me share my digital lessons with you!
Please tell me what you need/want in digital lessons. If I don’t have it, I will find it for you with another Teachers Pay Teachers or Amped Up author who I know has high quality products. There is no reason to reinvent the wheel. Teachers are a friendly, helpful bunch. We can all help each other and in the end know we’ve done the best for our students.