Teacher Comedian: Devin Siebold

by | Mar 22, 2021 | Lessons

When the teaching life becomes stressful, sometimes the best medicine is this hilarious fellow teacher, Devin Siebold.  Devin is an award-winning comedian who takes much of his material from his 10 years as a High School and Middle School teacher.    Not only is he spot-on with his take on what teachers deal with every day, he does not hesitate to hit the most controversial topics in education.  If you’re an educator, Devin will have you rolling with laughter.

Ever had to endure hours of professional development that droned on and on?

Siebold not only speaks at schools around the country, but hosts Professional Development sessions for teachers that keeps them alert and entertained!  He speaks to teachers about using laughter in the classroom, spicing up their lesson plans, and embracing their students’ obsession with social media.  Teachers relate to his hilarious takes on what teaching is really like!  Now there’s a professional development I wouldn’t want to miss!

Laughter during these especially trying times.

Teachers endure a great deal of stress on a normal year.   And this past year has added to that stress level tremendously.   Laughter increases our oxygen intake, increases endorphins in our brain, and soothes tension in our bodies.  Let’s give our bodies a break and use humor to get us through.

Here are some of the topics covered by Siebold, that often raise the stress level of teachers:

Hybrid Learning, Teacher Pay, Teaching on Zoom, Betsy DeVos, Student Behavior, Arming Teachers, and Teacher Evaluations.  Find Devin on Facebook and Youtube.

Check out one of my favorites:  “Teachers Trying to Teach Hybrid Classes in 2020”.   Enjoy!
