Pixel Art Craze

by | Jan 16, 2021 | Lessons

Newly popular among school teachers is the Pixel Art craze.  Teachers who have discovered this enjoyable activity are reaching out to other educators, and searching teacher online stores for more.  In this year of distance learning, Pixel Art has emerged as a popular method for practicing lessons of all kinds.

What is Pixel Art?

Pixel art is an image created using small pixels.  Questions on any topic can be attached to a Pixel Mystery Picture.  As students answer questions correctly, an image slowly appears.  Each correct answer reveals more of the image, pixel by pixel as students eagerly work to uncover their mystery picture.

After purchasing one of these lessons from Teachers Pay Teachers, I assigned it to my math students.  They loved it!

How are they created?

I was determined to learn how to make these on my own.  I joined a Facebook group called Pixel Art Mysteries in Education.  I watched Youtube videos.  I gave up after some frustrating attempts, and then picked it up again a few weeks later.  Finally, after hours of work, and many corrections, I finally created my first Pixel Art Picture and attached problems related to the distributive property.

Creating these lessons can be tricky!  Created in Google Sheets, or any Excel-type format, an image must be created using pixels.  Teachers must then assign questions in the cells for students to answer.   The cells with answers must be carefully formatted so that only the correct answer will reveal random, colorful pixels of the image.  Each answer is formatted to reveal more of the image, until the final problem which completes the picture.  The reward for the student is a pleasing visual they have created through their own work.

The Facebook group, Pixel Art Mysteries in Education, with currently 34,000 teacher members, is full of teacher-created pixel art from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to Among Us characters.  Teachers post every day, requesting pixel art their students are asking for.   I’ve seen pixel art of all kinds;  zoo animals, Lord of the Ring characters, Harry Potter, Mario and Luigi, and many other student favorites.

Why are teachers reaching out for pixel art?  Students are finally engaging enthusiastically in our digital lessons.  The students are telling us, pixel art is fun!

See these products in my teacher store:





If you would like this creation formatted for different questions, click on “Need Something Specific?”  and tell me what you would like.