Easter Lessons and Games: Add an Easter theme to your Math Lessons

by | Mar 20, 2023 | Lessons

Easter eggs, bunnies, jelly beans, Easter baskets, bonnets, and Easter Egg Hunts:   Teachers get creative when it comes to teaching around this popular holiday.  Easter Math Lessons add an element of fun to our regular routine.  And kids love anything themed for a holiday.

Easter Traditions

Easter typically falls on the Sunday after the first full moon, on or after the Spring Equinox.  It can occur in March or April.  Some non-religious Easter Traditions include Easter Egg Hunts, Egg Rolling, or Egg Decorating.  One of the most famous traditions in the U.S. is the annual White House Easter Egg Roll.  Children are invited to roll Easter Eggs down Capitol Hill.  Many households celebrate with the Easter Bunny who brings, candy and Easter eggs in a basket that arrives on Easter morning.  Family and friends are invited over for an Easter feast, exchange of cards, and gifts of “Peeps” and chocolate bunnies.  Many schools celebrate with a week or two of vacation, or Spring Break.

Jelly Beans, Candy Bars, and Egg Shapes in the Classroom

I’ve seen teachers, around the Easter holiday, use jelly beans to teach a math lesson.  Jellybeans can be used to teach probability, estimation, or graphing.  Candy bars are used as fractional pieces (that can be eaten at the end of the lesson!).  And egg shapes can be decorated and used to teach symmetry, or as a colorful template to demonstrate understanding of any math concept.   It’s a great way to display student work on the walls of our classroom!   You can add colorful, Easter clipart to spice up a dull worksheet, or add to a digital lesson.   Practice Transformations with an Easter theme, match Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages in a fun Easter-themed Slide Game, or play Easter Bingo for Fractions, Decimals, Multiplication, Integers, and even One-Step Equation Bingo!

Check out these Digital Easter lessons and Games:    Visit the Easter Section of my Store and find what you need:  EASTER PRODUCTS