Back to School – Fun Assessments in Math!

by | Jun 27, 2023 | Lessons


What can we do those first weeks of school to make sure our students are ready for more advanced concepts in math?  One of our greatest challenges since the pandemic is determining whether our students are ready for the next grade level.  Many students are lacking basic skills, and unlike other school subjects, mastery in math requires mastery at those earlier grade levels.    It can be so frustrating when we’re pressured to teach on grade level when we know most of them are just not ready.


The first task of the school year is assessing out students’ skills.  Not only are many behind grade level, but the long summer months, with little practice in math,  force us to review, review, review.   How can you make this fun for the students?   And how can you determine what needs to be reviewed?  Every class, every year is different!   


Challenge your students to show you what they know.   I offer digital games with instant feedback, in a colorful, fun format.  Give a pre-assessment first, and challenge students to improve their scores for a prize.  Post the names of the students who have improved their scores without giving out grades.  Let them choose a small prize from a treasure box, or toss a Jolly Rancher to improving students.    While they are playing the digital game, you can grade the pre-assessment and determine which skills are lacking.


The games are great fun, and can be done independently.  Just make sure students are playing in “Slideshow” mode so the game is in full screen.  There are five different topics covered from the previous school year.  Students must get every question correct before they can move on to the next topic.   Students click on a multiple choice answer, and know immediately if their answer is correct.  If incorrect, they must move back to the beginning of that topic and try again.  If the answer is correct, they automatically move to the next question.  As they move to the next topic, they can see their progress in the game.  When they finish all five topics, they will get a congratulatory screen with their completed board.  

After completing the game, where they get lots of practice in areas they struggle, give the post-assessment.  Remind them of the reward for improving their scores!

Students have fun, and teachers now have valuable data to start the new school year! 

Click on the Game that matches your grade level.

5th Grade Game

6th Grade Game      7th Grade Game     8th Grade Game

BUNDLE OF 4 GAMES             Algebra I